
4 步买房:


第二步: 买房

第三步: 提供报价

第四步: 成交





3.购买抵押贷款。等等——为什么要先购买抵押贷款再决定买房子?这不是本末倒置了吗?并不是这样。在你买房子之前购买贷款可以很有益,其中有一个很重要的原因: 在你买房子“之前”最好知道你自己能贷多少款。很多人贪恋一所房子——但是他们买不起,他们就开始努力寻找能够支付房子的贷款。而先购买贷款再看房子,虽然不那么酷但是肯定是聪明的做法。你将会知道这个房子是不是在你的承受范围之内。想一想你能承受的首付是多少。这应该成为你的贷款的一部分,虽然你不一定知道什么时候购买贷款。在心里要有一个大致的概念,这篇文章之后会提及。了解贷方正在使用的利率是多少,决定你是否能够申请到这笔贷款。“28和36”是比较常见的利率。这意味着你的总收入(税前)的28%必须能够支付你的预期住房费用(包括贷款的本金及利息,以及房地产税和保险)。每月需要偿还的债务加上你的住房费用,不能超出你的总收入的36%.计算你总收入的这两个百分比($3750的28% and 36%分别就是$1050 and $1350)。你每月的支付债务和这两个金额的差距不能超过$300,否则你将不能获得批准。

4. 如果你符合条件,查看首次购房者的程序。这些通常有较低的首付款要求。这些都是由不同的州,地方政府。你也可以不受处罚地从你的401(k)或罗斯个人退休帐户获得高达10000美元。寻问你的经纪人或雇主的人力资源部门关于借款的细节。

5. 委托和雇佣一个律师(可选)。如果你希望买房变得简单,那么你可能只需要一个房地产经纪人,托管公司,也可以是一个抵押贷款经纪人。但是话又说回来,事情不可能永远都如同预期的那样发展。在以下情况你需要雇佣一个诚实的、有信誉的、代理费(相对)便宜的律师:

  • 雇佣律师的费用比起你买房子的费用只是九牛一毛。
  • 你要购买的房子是丧失抵押品赎回权或者遗嘱认证的,这意味着这所房子是作为已故人房地产进行分配安置的。
  • 你怀疑卖家想要迅速退出交易或者你不信任他们。
  • 你所在的州不要求律师在场,而其他六个州要求律师在场。找你所在州的房地产委员会核实这是否能在本州通用。

第二步: 买房

1. 找到一个好的房地产代理在搜索和谈判过程代表你。房地产经纪人应该具备以下特点:和蔼可亲、开放、有趣、轻松、自信、合格。熟悉代理的利率、方法、经验和培训。找一个本地的全职房地产经纪人居住地方,每年完成数次代理,素以忙碌著称。

2. 房地产经纪人一般是为卖家服务,但这不一定是坏事。一个房地产经纪人的工作是连接想买房的人和卖房的人。处于这个原因,一个房地产经纪人是在出售购买房屋方面是很有经验的。一个很好的房地产经纪人将用他的经验把“合适的”房子卖给“合适的”买主——你。当你找到房地产经纪人时,尽可能详细地描述你期待的家是什么样子——浴室和卧室的数量,附加车库、土地以及其他可能很重要的事,比如好的照明或留给孩子玩的庭院空间。

3. 使用多重服务上市列表在你的区域搜索房地产交易情况的服务系统。多重上市服务列表会让你了解哪些市场是在你的承受范围之内的。你的代理可以为您做这件事。如果你雇佣了一个房地产经纪人,不要直接让经纪人去看房子,除非你已经决定让他们代表你否则不要让他们为你做事——因为只有客户购买了房子他们才获得报酬。而且你让他们免费给你做事是不公平的,因为你知道你不会让他们来给你买房子。在你的范围之内寻找房子。让你的经纪人开始为你找房子,但是要让他知道你的预算是多少。通常的经验是你可以负担一所你家庭年收入2.5倍的房子。利用在线抵押计算器处理数据,并记住之前的抵押贷款。在你准备寻找你梦想的房子的同时也要把这些数字记在心里。

4. 开始思考你真正要的是房子的什么。你可能已经有一些模糊的想法,但是没有细节。这里有两件事情值得你和你的家人特别注意:

  • 在未来几年中你和你的家庭需要什么。也许你们现在只是一对夫妻,但未来有要孩子的计划吗?一个舒服的二人之家要挤三个或四个人就会比较痛苦了。
  • 你愿意做什么样的权衡?换句话说,你优先考虑的是什么?尽管我们相信买房子是直截了当的事,但是它往往是一个我们必须妥协的复杂考验。你是不是更在乎有好小区、好学校大的后院?你是否需要一个比豪华卧室还大的的又大又可用的厨房?你愿意在节省时间上面做牺牲吗?
  • 你预计你的收入在未来几年会增加多少?如果你的收入增连续几年增加3%而且你又在一个安稳的行业有一份安全的工作,那么你可以放心,购买一个昂贵但是合理的按揭也是有可能的。很多购房者购买相对昂贵的房子但在一两年之内就变成了他们的贷款。

5. 确定你想生活的区域。看看附近有没有合适的。看看价格、家居设计、邻近购物、学校和其他设施。阅读当地的报纸,如果有当地人的话找他们聊天。不要仅仅局限于房子,要看附近社区还有附近其他房屋的条件,确保你的房子各方面都让你满意。

  • 房屋的地理位置有的时候比这个房屋本身更重要,因为它很大程度上影响了房屋的转售价格。利用联邦住房管理局203(K)项目购买一个待修房|购买待修房在一个合适的社区是一笔很好的投资,你需要识别哪些社区能够崭露头角——很多人想要居住的地方——这样可以让你把一个便宜的东西升值。

6. 寻访一些对外开放的房子来衡量市场情况,亲眼看看你想要的是什么。注意整体布局、卧室和浴室的数量,厨房设施和存储。在每天不同时间对你感兴趣的房子检查它的交通和拥挤情况,停车位,噪声水平和一般的活动。一个看起来安静的地区有可能变成高峰时间的一个热闹捷径,而如果你每天只开车经过一次这里你将不会了解到这些情况。


方法 3: 第三步: 提供报价

1. 如果可能,根据卖方的情况给出你的报价。这很不容易,通常是不可能的,但在一些大的交易中不妨尝试一下。这里有一些在报价时你可以考虑的东西:

  • 卖方的金融前景如何?他们是急需要钱还是他们已经有了很多资金?资金拮据的卖家更有可能削弱他们的要价。
  • 这所房屋放在市场中交易有多久?一直在市场上等待交易的房屋通常可以压低价格。
  • 他们已经有另外的房子了?如果卖房不是在出售他们目前生活的房子,那么它更有可能出更低的价格。

2. 看参照房屋给出你的报价。其他的房屋的起价多少(“问价格”),他们是怎么卖的?如果这片区域的房屋通常是“低于”要价的5%出售,那么可以报一个比要价低8%到10%的价格。

3. 计算你预期的住房费用。估摸计算你所在区域的年房产税和保险费,加上你想要购买房子的平均价格,还要加上你能承担的借款手续费|手续费。(这些各种各样的花费通常占你借款的3%-6%。信用合作社通常会向它的会员提供更低的借款手续费。)把它们整体加到抵押贷款中去(你可以 或者自己制作一个表格。如果这个数目超过了你28%的总收入(无论你的贷方使用的利率是多么低)你都将很难获得抵押贷款。

  • 决定你要不要卖掉现在的房子来买一个新的房子。如果是这样,你将要买的房子很大程度上决定于你卖的那笔买卖做得如何。这种情况对于卖方来说一般比较危险和不可取,因为除非买方卖出房子否则这笔交易就不可能完成。而你也许想把你现在的房子先放到市场上。


  • 4. 你也许会真的很喜欢一所房子,而且准备给出比要价还要高的价格,但是经济学的供给关系有可能会让你为难。如果很多人为少数房子竞争,而且准备给出能给的最高价格竞价。一些房屋购买者不相信竞相标价,你会很容易发现自己正在竞价中失败而且永远也不可能会标中你心仪的房子。如果你想拿下自己真的非常非常喜欢的房子,那么准备好高标价吧!

    5. 当你准备正式提供报价时,跟你的经纪人商量一下。虽然各个地方的报价提交指南有可能不同,但是通常都是这样的:你提交你的报价到你的房地产经纪人,然后他把报价再报给卖方的代表。卖方然后决定是接受,拒绝还是还价。

    • 要在你的报价里面包含保证金。一旦你签署一份报价,你是第三方托管,这意味着除非你不能得到最终的抵押贷款批准否则你是一定要购买这所房子的,否则你会损失你的保证金。在托管(通常是30至90天)过程中,你的银行会安排购买资金给你提供抵押贷款。

    方法 4: 第四步: 成交

    1. 确定你需要预先提供的首付。首付建立股权或者房屋所有权。这部分钱是你不需要支付利息的。你在首付上付款越多,你之后在房子上付的钱将会越少。

    • 你需要把房子的“估定价值”下调10%-20%。“注意,估定价值可能高于或低于房子的销售价格”。如果你有 $30,000来支付首付,例如,你可以用它来作为一个价格在 $300000(首付10%)或者$150000(首付20%)的首付。通常来说都会付更少的,但是也并非总是如此,你需要支付 私人按揭保险(PMI),这会增加你每月的住房成本但是可以申请减税。
    • 如果你不能承担你房子的首付10%-20%,但是你有好的信誉和稳定的收入,抵押贷款经纪人可以帮助你联合支付或者申请联邦住宅管理局贷款。那样的话,那你就能第一次抵押贷款80%房子的价格,第二次抵押贷款剩余的金额。但是第二次抵押贷款的利率会更高,利息支付是免税的加上联合支付的款项应该比第一次贷款加上PMI更低。如果你买新房,可以考虑用尼希米项目获得首付帮助。

    2. 确保最终验收是建立在合理的基础上。房屋检查。要求进行如下的调查和报告:检查、害虫、干腐物、氡、有害物质、山体滑坡、洪水平原,地震断层和犯罪统计数据。(你通常会用7-10天来完成检查-确保你的代理详细告诉你检查结果之后再签订房屋购买合同。)

    • 房屋的检验成本在$150到 $500之间,这取决于区域的不同,而它可以防止一个$100,000的错误。这点对于老房子来说至关重要,比如说你想避免含铅的涂料、石棉绝热体和模具,那么房屋检验必不可少。
    • 如果你想要用你的检验结果来协商降低你的购买价格,不要参考你合同里面的检验或投标。贷款机构可能会要求看你的检查副本,这会取代他们的评估师的评估。

    3. 检查房子的能源都是完好可用的,确保合同中的每一项都可以使用。检查能源是房屋购买中很重要的一部分。如果不知道房屋的制冷和制热的花费,这将有可能使一个潜在的金融灾难发生。购房者在计算一项新的房屋预算是往往会“瞎猜”,这些估计可能会有很严重的错误,而这将会使家庭财政状况陷入可怕的境地。

    4. 停止托管。这通常是在第三方托管办公室进行,需要签署相关财产文件以及你的抵押贷款文件。这些文件包括证书,证明你对于房子的所有权,还有名字,这会表明没有人声称是他所有或者留置他。只要还存在任何问题,一定要把问题解决之后再付钱,这会激励卖家为了拿到钱快速有效地补救任何问题。

    • 考虑让你的房地产律师去审核停止托管的文件,代表你正在停止托管。再次说明,房地产经纪人无法给你法律建议。律师通常会为他们在那里的几分钟收取 $200-$400,但是他们的的确确会给你带来帮助。


    • 在想开始买房之前确保你有存款!
    • 不要爱上一个特定的房子。你能找到自己真正喜欢的固然很好,但是如果你在心里对房屋有所设定,你最终可能会支付比它原本价值更多的成本,因为你倾注了感情。这笔交易也有可能会分崩离析。愿意放弃任何一所房子,没有哪所房屋可以好到卖方能漫天要价。


    • 卖方不允许房屋检查,那他一定是有什么东西想隐瞒——果断不要这个房子!
    • 现在的经济情况很糟糕,有人说这是买房子的好时机(价格低),但也有人说这并不是一个进入房地产的好时机。在购买之前一定要好好讨论考虑所有的建议。
    • 提防一个急于出售房屋的房地产经纪人。他们可能知道会有不好的事情发生,比如市场崩溃。一定要提防那些代理提供的不寻常提议。








如果你想要在美国贷款买新房,目前存在不少困难。首先,美国房地产市场目前越来越热络的形势下,建筑商对于贷款买房者的审核也会越来越严格。另外,外国人在美国的银行申请贷款需要申请者本人到美国来, 在美国的银行开立账户,并先存入买房头款,最好在来美之前先联系美国这边做外国人贷款的几家银行,预先最好准备的工作,最好能取得银行的贷款预准信。但是目前有点困难,因为美国这边愿意做外国人贷款的几家银行并不提供预准信,这给贷款买新房者又增加了困难。但是按照时机的不同,有些建筑商可能会对贷款买房者做一些通融,如果贷款买房者提供足够的头款证明,并且可以证明有美国的银行愿意给你贷款,即使没有银行的预准信,有些建筑商也可以接受;但是大多数建筑商是不接受这种情况的。



一般来讲,建筑商会一辺建新房一辺通知排队名单中的买主, 分期放出房源,一般每期有4到7套房子。如果你已经登记名单中,建筑商就会依次序通知实地看房, 先到先选。如果你看中当期推出的某一套房子,就可以进行买房签约,并且交纳订金。对于买房者来说要先问清楚有没有保护期限,在这个保护期限内, 如果你改变注意,仍然可以退回订金。签约和缴纳订金之后,正式进入购房过户的程序。




Clearing Up Myths About Hawaii Eminent Domain Law

In reviewing some of the comments posted on the Honolulu Advertiser's November 1 report  "Rail study doesn't list all affected properties," it seems several of the commenters have fairly severe misconceptions about how eminent domain law works in Hawaii. Let's clear some up some myths.

Read more: Clearing Up Myths About Hawaii Eminent Domain Law



Matthew J. Swett  - Pepper Hamilton LLP (Pepper Hamilton LLP is a multi-practice law firm with more than 500 lawyers nationally.)


An  subordination, non-disturbance and attornment agreement (SNDA) is a three-party agreement between landlord, tenant and landlord’s lender. In summary, a SNDA provides for: (1) the subordination of the tenant’s leasehold rights to the lien of lender’s mortgage (so that the lender can effectively foreclose its mortgage lien in the event of the landlord’s default under its loan); (2) the agreement of the lender not to disturb the tenant’s rights under the lease in the event the lender does in fact foreclose its mortgage lien following the default of the landlord under its loan (thus ensuring the tenant’s leasehold rights will continue following the foreclosure) and (3) the tenant’s agreement to recognize the lender or the successful purchaser at the foreclosure sale as its landlord.

Generally, without an SNDA the tenant has no protection in the event its landlord’s lender forecloses its mortgage lien. The lender’s mortgage lien on a property that exists at the time the landlord enters into a lease with the tenant generally has priority over the tenant’s leasehold interest. And in many instances, the landlord’s standard form of lease may automatically provide that the tenant’s leasehold interest is subordinate to existing (and sometimes even future) mortgage liens. In either case, if the landlord defaults under its mortgage loan and the mortgage lender forecloses its lien, the lender, or the successful purchaser at the foreclosure sale, (we will call the successful purchaser, whether it be lender or someone else, "successor landlord") will be able to terminate the tenant’s lease if there is not an SNDA executed between the parties.

Some people may argue that it is unlikely that a successor landlord would want to terminate existing leases, but there are instances in which it is a real risk. For example, a lease signed during the recent downturn in the real estate market might be at a rental rate that is significantly lower than the market rate will be in just a few years (we can only hope the economy has improved to such a degree). In that instance, a successor landlord who has the right to terminate a lease upon foreclosure may elect to terminate the lease in order to replace it with one that has a higher rental rate, or use that right of termination to leverage a higher rental rate from the existing tenant who signed its lease during the economic downturn at a bargain rental rate. In either case, the tenant will have virtually no leverage and will likely have to agree to the successor landlord’s demands. It is imperative that the tenant seek to obtain an SNDA from the landlord’s existing mortgage lenders in order to protect its leasehold interest in the event an existing lender forecloses its mortgage.

Of course not all tenants will be able to get SNDAs from existing mortgage lenders in all instances. Many factors will come into play, including the relative bargaining strengths of the parties, the particular lender involved, the creditworthiness of the tenant and the landlord, the relationship between the landlord and the lender and the size and importance of the proposed lease transaction. If a lease does not automatically subordinate the leasehold rights to future mortgage liens, the tenant’s leasehold interest will generally be superior to the lien of a future mortgage. In that event, a lender who seeks to make a mortgage lien in the future will likely require a landlord to obtain an SNDA from all existing tenants, which means that existing tenants will have marginally more leverage with respect to future lenders. In some instances, the landlord may not be able to obtain or be unwilling to obtain a SNDA from its current lender, but will agree that the lien of all future mortgage lenders will not be superior to that of the tenant’s leasehold interests in the absence of an SNDA.

A lender’s standard form SNDA contains far more than the three simple provisions outlined above. For instance, a lender’s form SNDA will also provide that the lender is not obligated to complete any construction obligation of the landlord and is likewise not obligated to fund any improvement allowances not paid by the landlord. A lender’s form SNDA will also provide that the lender is not liable for the defaults of the landlord under the lease and that any rights that the tenant may have against the landlord on account of any landlord default cannot be asserted against the lender. In addition, a lender’s form SNDA will provide that no amendment to the lease can be made without the lender’s prior consent and that any amendment made without the lender’s consent will not be enforceable against the lender. Obviously, these provisions could have drastic implications for a tenant if its landlord were to default under its loan and the lender forecloses on the property.

Consider, for example, the following situation. A tenant signs a lease for a new office space in a multi-story building. The landlord agrees to perform certain building improvements, such as upgrades to the building lobby, and agrees to provide the tenant with a tenant improvement allowance so the tenant can improve its space for its intended use. The lease provides that the tenant will have a 90-day period to construct its improvements, following which the tenant has to commence payment of rent. If landlord defaults on its loan and the lender forecloses on the building before the landlord has paid the allowance to the tenant or completed its work on the lobby, then under a standard SNDA, the lender would not be obligated to pay to the tenant the allowance that the landlord owed to the tenant, nor would the lender be obligated to perform the lobby improvements, or even complete them if they were started but not completed. In addition, under the SNDA the tenant is obligated to recognize the lender as its landlord and continue to perform its lease obligations under the lease, such as the payment of rent. This leaves the tenant in an unenviable position of having to perform its obligations while the successor landlord does not have to perform the obligations that the tenant bargained for when it signed the lease.

Thus, while a lender’s standard form SNDA does provide the basic non-disturbance protection a tenant needs, it provides little additional protection. This is where the tenant’s counsel can provide the tenant with some additional protections to address issues such as ongoing landlord defaults, the obligation to complete construction and to provide tenant improvement allowances. Tenants rarely will be fully satisfied with the terms of an SNDA, but a properly negotiated SNDA will provide a tenant additional protections in the event of a foreclosure.

Lastly, the parties, and in particular the tenant, need to remember that almost every SNDA requires that the parties obtain lender’s approval for any amendment to the lease. It is sometimes possible to negotiate the right for landlord and tenant to enter into a non-material lease amendment without the lender’s prior approval, but where the lender’s consent is required it is imperative that the tenant make sure that the consent is obtained. While the landlord should also want to obtain a needed consent, so as to avoid any allegation that it has defaulted under its loan documents by entering into an amendment without prior approval, the real risk is to the tenant if the consent is not obtained. Pursuant to the typical terms of an SNDA, an amendment to a lease made without the lender’s approval will not be binding on the lender. Of course, the only time that the tenant really cares if the lender is bound to a particular lease term (or amendment to a lease term) is if the lender has foreclosed on the property, when it is particularly important that a successor lender be bound.

For example, during this economic downturn many landlords have sought to "blend and extend" their leases. The concept is that the tenant is given some rent relief (free rent, a lower rent or other concession) in exchange for which the tenant agrees to extend the term of the lease. This gives the landlord some stability for a longer term – an important commodity during tough economic terms. However, if after the amendment there is a foreclosure and the parties had not obtained a required lender consent under an SNDA, then the tenant may not be able to enjoy the benefits of its new bargain and could find itself having to pay the old higher rent for a shorter term. Likewise, the tenant and landlord could have entered into a lease amendment to address the landlord’s inability to fund tenant improvements that it was required to fund under the lease to the tenant. For example, the tenant may be granted a year of free rent in consideration for bearing the cost of the tenant improvements on the landlord’s behalf. If there is a foreclosure (which may be likely in cases in which the landlord was having difficulties in funding the tenant improvement costs in the first place), the tenant will want to be sure that the lender approves the amendment granting it the period of free rent.

While this is not intended to be an all-inclusive discussion of all the issues related to SNDAs and the potential resolutions of those issues, it should be clear that the issues surrounding SNDAs are complex. Unlike the lease between a landlord and tenant, an SNDA involves three parties and the three parties do not have the same interests. In fact, a lender negotiates an SNDA assuming it will succeed to the landlord’s interest. Accordingly, it has and will have different interests and a different risk profile than the original landlord. The tenant’s interest throughout the process is consistent; it only wants to enjoy the benefits of its bargain. The landlord generally does not care what the SNDA says, because the SNDA only comes into play when the landlord is no longer in control of the property.

Five years ago when the real estate market and the economy in general was extremely strong, tenants may not have worried about getting an SNDA. In the vast majority of lease transactions the failure to obtain an SNDA or to fully negotiate an SNDA to protect the tenant’s interests, at least to some degree, did not matter, as loan defaults were infrequent (and any loan defaults were easily cured or refinanced). However, over the last few years and even now, the commercial real estate market is not strong, lenders are very conservative and, in many cases, are aggressively enforcing their rights under their loan documents. It is for these reasons that it is so important that tenants consult the Pepper Hamilton Real Estate Practice Group to negotiate their leases and an SNDA to protect their interests under their lease following a foreclosure of the landlord’s mortgage loan.

Matthew J. Swett

In this issue of our Real Estate Update we are introducing the "Leasing Corner" – a series of articles focusing on commercial real estate leasing. While the Pepper Hamilton Real Estate Practice Group handles all matter of real estate transactions, development, land use and litigation, one area in which we regularly provide legal services to our clients is commercial leasing. We have assisted many clients in connection with varied types of leases including, for example, ground leases, big-box and in-line retail leases, large headquarters-office leases, and laboratory, industrial and warehouse space leases.

In this issue, we will discuss the importance of a subordination, non-disturbance and attornment agreement (SNDA). During our past representations, many of our clients have asked us to explain what an SNDA is and why it is important that they obtain an SNDA in connection with their lease.

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